Buddhism Fundamentals
By Dotetsuzenji
Part 1 : Who was the Buddha?
In about 560 BC, Siddharta Gautama was bom into a royal family. He was finally "awakened" under the Bodhi tree, after years of dedicated and gruelling hard work and many lifetimes of suffering through rebirth, to become Buddha. "Buddha" is not a name but a title. The word ...
Part 3 : Karma and Rebirth
The Buddha says: “Good begets good and bad begets bad. This is the law of the universe”. Karma (Pali: Kamma) is “Action”, that is, wholesome and unwholesome volition and their concomitant mental factors, causing rebirth and shaping the destiny of beings. Karma is a law in itself, operating in its own field without...
Yes, but only to an extent. They all accept the Buddha as their great teacher, but the method of saving mankind is different. There are no contradictory views between the schools and their arguments are...